Resimac Ltd intends to comply with its statutory duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees and those that may be affected by its work activities, as defined by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The company shall, as far as is reasonably practical:

• Provide adequate information (including changes to legislation and working practices),instruction, training and supervision to manage the health, safety and welfare of all employees whilst at work;

• Consult with employees issues, that may affect their health and safety and wellbeing; • Incorporate health and safety into the planning, monitoring and review of all work activities; • Provide a safe place of work with safe access and egress;

• Provide a safe and healthy environment including adequate welfare facilities;

• Maintain all places of work, work equipment and transport under its control in a safe condition and review any working practices to ensure they are safe, to minimise any associated risks;

• Ensures that all necessary precautions are taken in respect of the safe use, handling, storage and transport of materials and substances;

• Safeguard the health and safety of visitors, contractors and any members of the general public who could be affected by its activities;

• Review and update the health and safety policy and procedures as appropriate with any changes to company operations and/or legislative updates and notify all employees of such changes;

• Ensure all employees are mindful of their health and safety responsibilities and that they cooperate with the company in its efforts to fulfil the above policy;

• Monitor and update the policy through the company’s Health and Safety Management System.

Name: Matthew McDonnell

Position in Company: Managing Director

Date: 14th April 2023

Document Last Reviewed by M.McDonnell
Version No:6

H&S Handbook 02/19

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